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    • Products

      We offer thoughtfully crafted products that exceed the industry standard

    • Booking Engine

      The newest technology on the market. Feature-rich, lightning fast and made for mobile

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    • Website Builder

      We’ve spent over two decades designing websites and our website builder is everything you need it to be

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    • Hotel Gift Vouchers

      Our gift voucher platform is purposefully straightforward and easy to use

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    • Meta Search

      Experience seamless connectivity using our booking engine

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  • Services
    • Services

      Service that’s one step ahead of everything you need

    • Client Services

      A team of hard-working, dedicated experts from the hospitality industry

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    • Bespoke Websites

      Your property is one of a kind and it deserves a website which reflects that

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    • Digital Marketing

      Tailored marketing strategies with measurable impact

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    • About Us

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Enhancing hotel mobile performance

At Net Affinity, we take pride in being at the forefront of mobile ecommerce, having provided market-leading mobile performance for our clients for more than a decade.

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, understanding mobile performance is crucial for maximising your hotel's potential. Our report empowers hoteliers with data and insights to gauge their performance against industry standards, ensuring their digital experiences are optimised to capture a base of mobile users which continues to grow.
Hotel Mobile Barometer

Key insights from the report

The report breaks down key areas and answers the following questions:

  • Mobile usage trends: What is the volume of mobile retail sales? How widespread is mobile device usage?
  • Mobile dominance in booking: What percentage of travellers use mobile for trip research? What percentage of bookings are completed on mobile?
  • Device performance over the past decade: Which devices dominate? Which are in decline?
  • Detailed data analysis: What is the breakdown of the market share per device across Ireland and UK? Which device commands the best ABV
  • Star ratings and property types: What is the implication of a star rating on ABV across devices? Does it vary between property types and location?
  • Marketing impact: How do mobile-optimised marketing campaigns impact direct bookings?